Kambo like many other medicines has a list of contraindications, meaning reasons why you are unable to work with the medicine. Please read the list of contraindications and make sure you meet the requirements of health and wellness to receive Kambo.
*Serious Heart conditions (previous heart attack, enlarged heart, inflammation of pericardium, pacemakers, heart surgery, bypasses, valve replacements, transplants)
*Stroke (current or past).
*On medication for Low Blood Pressure (please let us know if you have LBP but are not medicated for it).
*Brain Hemorrhage (current or past).
*Aneurysm /Blood Clots (current or past).
*Serious Mental Health Conditions— excluding depression/anxiety— (on psychiatric meds for psychosis, schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder, etc…).
*Chemotherapy or radiotherapy (within 4-6 weeks).
*Taking Immune Suppressants for organ transplant.
*Pregnant or may be so .
*Breast-feeding a child under 6 months (specific protocol for under 6 months possible, discuss with practitioner).
*Addison’s Disease
*Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
*Epilepsy (current or past).
*Recovering from major surgery
*Ever had esophageal bleeding or rupture
*Under 18 years of age
The following are not excluded from taking Kambô, but please let us know if any of the following applies to you so that we can assess and be clear if it is an appropriate fit and make necessary adjustments.
*Taking Immune Suppressants for auto immune disorders.
*Taking Sleeping supplements (melatonin, ambian, trtyptophan).
*Taking Diet supplements (anything containing 5HTP, diet herbs/teas).
*Taking Mood Enhancing Supplements (seratonin, melatonin, kava, folic acid).
*Active drug and/or alcohol addiction.
*Long term food/water fasting for 7 days before or after Kambô (other than the required fasting for ceremony).
*Colonics, enemas, liver flushes or any water-based detox within 3 days before and after taking Kambô.
*Hot yoga/sauna/ sweat lodge 3 days before and after taking Kambô.
*Please inform us of ANY substance (controlled or not) that you’ve taken in the last month.
Due to the large intake of water consumed during a Kambo treatment, the body’s electrolyte balance can be disturbed. It is of utmost IMPORTANCE that clients communicate clearly any/all of the above that applies. After ceremony, it is important to rest, eat and drink, in order to bring the body back into balance and allow for restoration and homeostasis.